WebvantaScript Cheat Sheet

Useful code examples for building your site more quickly

Note: All WebvantaScript code is XML, which means that elements must be closed. Statements that are self-contained all end with a slash (e.g., <w:name />).

Statements shown below without a slash are intended to mark the beginning of a block of code, and the same statement beginning with a slash is required to end the block (e.g., <w:each> begins a block, </w:each> ends it).

Accessing Page Info

Each page has its own metadata, which you set in the page edit screen and can recall as needed, typically in templates.

<w:meta:title />

Provides metadata title for the current page.


Usage Example:

<title><w:meta:title /></title>

The only place this WebvantaScript statement is typically used is to render the title tag contents in the head section of the page. You'll generally want this line of code in every template.

<w:meta />

Produces meta description and keyword tags for current page. A shortcut that is equivalent to <w:meta:keywords /><w:meta:description />.


Usage Example:

<w:meta />

Use in the head section of the page template to render the keyword and description meta tags.

<w:url />

Provides full slug for the current page (not really the full URL, since it does not include http:// or the domain name).


Usage Example:

<script type="text/javascript">
digg_url = 'http://www.webvanta.com/<w:url />';
digg_title = '<w:meta:title />';
digg_bodytext = '<w:meta:description />';
digg_media = 'news';
digg_topic = 'tech news';
<script src="http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

Creates a "Digg This" button with the information for the current page.

<w:default_label />

Provides the label for the page, as set in the page admin.

<w:content region="region_name" />

Inserts an editable page region; used in templates only.


Usage Example:

<w:content region="Main" />

An editable region named "Main" will be inserted at this point in the HTML.

<w:content region="page-js" editable="false" />

A region named "page-js" will be inserted at this point in the HTML. This would typically be used in the head section of a template. The editable="false" option is necessary for regions used for code, rather than content, to keep them from getting wrapped in HTML markup. Such regions can be edited only from the page admin.

<w:meta:description />

Provides the description for the current page. By default, it also creates the description meta tag.


Usage Example:

<w:meta:description />

Returns a full meta description tag, e.g., <meta name="description" content="Another silly page about cats" />

<w:meta:description tag="false" />

Displays the description as plain text (e.g., "Another silly page about cats")

<w:meta:keywords />

Provides the keywords for the current page. By default, it also creates the keywords meta tag.


Usage Example:

<w:meta:keywords />

Returns a full meta keyword tag, e.g., <meta name="keywords" content="cats, kittens, pets" />

<w:meta:keywords tag="false" />

Displays the keywords as plain text (e.g. "cats, kittens, pets")


Iterators repeat a code block once for each selected item. They are the workhorse for choosing items to display from the database.


Iterate through a set of database items that has been previously set by the context.


Usage Example:

<w:kb:category name="Cats">
     <h1><w:name /></h1>

Display the name for each item in the Cats category.


<w:kb:item:each filter="current_item">

Iterate through a set of items, excluding the current item on the page. Used for showing related content.


Usage Example:

  <w:kb:category:each relative="item">
      <w:kb:item:each category='current' filter='current_item'>
        <li><a href="<w:path url='/item' />"><w:name /></a></li>

This example is for use on an item page to show related items. It iterates through each of the categories to which the current item is assigned, and then lists all of the other items in each of those categories, filtering out the current item.

<w:children:each >

Iterate through each of the child pages (subpages) of the current page.

<w:assets:each tag="tagname">

Iterate through each of the asset files (typically images) that match the specified tag (if any).


Usage Example:

<w:assets:each tag="cat">
  <img src="<w:path />" >

Displays all of the assets to which the tag "cat" has been applied.

<w:each relative="parents">

Iterate through each of the parent categories of the current category. Must be used in a context in which category has been set.


Usage Example:

      <w:each relative='parents'>
        <a href='<w:path />'><w:name /></a> > 
      [ more code that is displaying content from the current category ]

Displays breadcrumb links to each of the parent categories.

<w:kb:category:each relative="item">

Iterate through each of the categories to which the current item is assigned.


Usage Example:

    <w:kb:category:each relative="item">
      <li><w:name /></li>

List all of the categories assigned to the current item. Must be used on an Item page.

    <w:kb:category:each relative="item" filter="Boats">
      <li><w:name /></li>

By adding a filter parameter to the iterator, you can limit the categories listed to those that are subcategories of a specified category (Boats in this example).

<w:kb:item:paginate limit="items-per-page">

The same as item:each, except that the results are paginated. See example for details.


Usage Example:

  <w:paginate by='name desc' limit='10' start='1' page='auto' type='article'>
    <p><w:pagination_widget /></p>
      <h2><a href="<w:path url='article' />"><w:name /></a></h2>
      <p><w:description /></p>

<w:kb:item:comments:each (options)>

Iterate through each of the comments on the current item. See examples for options and field names.


Usage Example:

  <h2><w:subject /></h2>
  <p>Posted <w:created_at /> by <w:name /></p>
  <p><w:body /></p>

Display all the comments for current item, with default options (sorted by date, most recent first).

<w:kb:item:comments:each order="ASC" limit="10">

Display the first 10 comments in ascending date order.

<w:kb:item:comments:each order="DESC" limit="5">

Display the most recent 5 comments in descending date order.


Iterate through each of the siblings of the current page (other subpages of this page's parent).


Iterate through each of the tags.

<w:kb:item:each condition="any condition">

Iterate through items that meet the specified condition.


Usage Example:

  <w:kb:item:each type="product" condition="featured == '1' ">

Lists all products whose "Featured" checkbox is checked.

  <w:kb:item:each category="cats" condition="coat == 'longhair' ">
    <li><w:name /></li>

List all the cats with long hair (i.e., whose field with the name "coat" is set to "longhair").

<w:assets:each category="name">

Iterate through all of the assets that are assigned to the specified category. See examples for options.


Usage Example:

<w:assets:each category="Cats">
  <img src="<w:path />">

Displays all the images assigned to the "Cats" category.

<w:assets:each category="Cats" descend="true">
  <img src="<w:path />">

Displays all the images assigned to the "Cats" category, or to any sub-category of Cats.

<w:for_each in="item_name">

Iterates through each of the associated items in item_name. Use for fieldsets and related items.


Usage Example:

<w:for_each in="example">        
  <pre><w:escape_html><w:get name="in.code" /></w:escape_html></pre>
  <p><w:get name="in.description" /></p>

This is the code used to display these examples. In the definition of the "cheat sheet" custom item type, we include a fieldset named "example". The "example" fieldset has fields "code" and "description". This code shows the code and the description for each example.


The menu commands make it easy to automatically produce menus based on the setting in the Page admin screen.


Iterate through each of the top-level menu items, as set by the Page admin. Typically used to generate main navigation.


Usage Example:

       <li><a href='<w:url />'><w:label /></a></li>

Create an onordered list for a simple navigation menu. See "if_selected" and "if_submenu" examples for more full-featured menu examples.


If the current menu item has a submenu, include the following code.


Usage Example:

<ul id='nav'>
            <li><a href='<w:url />'><w:label /></a>
                  <li><a href='<w:url />'><w:label /></a></li>

Display a menu and submenu structure using an unordered list.



Iterate through each submenu of the current menu.


Usage Example:

<ul id='nav'>
            <li><a href='<w:url />'><w:label /></a>
                  <li><a href='<w:url />'><w:label /></a></li>

Display a menu and submenu structure using an unordered list.


Used within menu-generation code to highlight the current page. Include the following code if the current page's URL matches that of a particular menu item.


Usage Example:

      <li><a href='<w:url />' <w:if_selected>class='current'</w:if_selected>><w:label /></a></li>

Create the unordered list of the top-level menu items, applying the class "current" to the menu item whose URL matches the currently displayed page.

<w:label />

Provides the label for a menu item. Must be used in the context of a menu iterator.

Displaying Database Items

Once the desired database items are selected, retrieving information from the various fields is simple.

<w:fieldname />

Display the contents of a single field for the currently selected database item (as determined by the context).


Usage Example:

<w:kb:item:each category="Cats">
  <li><w:name /></li>

Lists the name of each cat.

<w:path url="/item_page" />

Provides the path to the item page for the current item, including item ID and name.


Usage Example:

<w:kb:item:each category='cats' type='breed'>
  <p><a href="<w:path url='/breed' />"><w:name /></a></p>

Lists all the cat breeds, with the name linked to the breed item page.

<w:body truncate="option" />

Displays the contents of the body field, truncated as specified by the option setting. See examples for options.


Usage Example:

<w:body truncate="paragraph" />

Displays the first paragraph of the body field.

<w:body truncate="150" />

Displays the first 150 characters of the body field.

<w:kb:item:paginate limit="items-per-page">

The same as item:each, except that the results are paginated. See example for details.


Usage Example:

  <w:paginate by='name desc' limit='10' start='1' page='auto' type='article'>
    <p><w:pagination_widget /></p>
      <h2><a href="<w:path url='article' />"><w:name /></a></h2>
      <p><w:description /></p>


Marks the code section that is highlighted when hovering to edit a database item in-place.


Usage Example:

<w:kb:item:each category='cats' type='breed'>
    <p><a href="<w:path url='/breed' />"><w:name /></a></p>
  <img src="<w:photo />" alt="<w:name />">

Displays a list of cat breeds, linked to their item pages. The edit hover area includes the line of text, but not the photo.

<w:get name="name" />

Display a field that is associated with the current item. Note that this is needed only for fields that are not part of the base item (such as fieldsets or related items).


Usage Example:


<w:created_at format="format string" />

Displays the date and time at which a database item was created, formatted as you'd like. See article and examples for format string details.


Usage Example:

<w:created_at format="%A %B %e, %Y %l:%M %P" />

Displays as: Saturday July 4, 2022 1:32 pm

<w:created_at format="%a %b %e '%y %k:%M" />

Displays as: Sat Jul 4 '09 13:32

<w:created_at format="%m/%e/%Y" />

Displays as: 07/4/2022

<w:modified_at format="format string" />

Displays the date and time at which a database item was last modified.


Usage Example:

<w:modified_at format="%A %B %e, %Y %l:%M %P" />

Displays as: Saturday July 4, 2022 1:32 pm. See <w:created_at /> for more examples.

<w:published_at format="format string" />

Displays date at which a database item was published.


Usage Example:

<w:published_at format="%A %B %e, %Y %l:%M %P" />

Displays as: Saturday July 4, 2022 1:32 pm. See <w:created_at /> for more examples.


Conditional statements allow you to produce different code depending on the contents of a field.

<w:if_item type="item-type">

Include following code only if the currently selected item is of the indicated type.


Usage Example:

<w:if_item type='article'>
  <h1>Article Title: <w:name /></h1>

If the current DB item is an article, display "Article Title: " followed by the article's title.


For every "if_xxxxxx" statement, there is a corresponding "unless_xxxxxx" statement. (Note that this is not "else"; you must state the condition, just as in the if statement.)


Usage Example:

<w:unless condition="name.blank?>
  <p><w:name /></p>

Show the name unless it is blank.

  <p>There are no comments.</p>

Display this text if there are no comments.

<w:if condition='lunch=="yes" '>
  <p>Lunch is being served</p>
<w:unless condition='lunch=="yes" '>
  <p>Lunch is NOT being served</p>

Show the first text if the lunch field contains "yes", otherwise show the second text.

<w:if_category category="category-name">

Include the following code only if the category matches the one specified. Must be used inside a block so the category is set.


Usage Example:

<w:kb:category>     <!-- on a category page, this sets the category per the URL -->
  <w:if_category category="Cats">
    <h1>This is the Cats category</h1>

On a category page (page type must be set to "Category"), the category is extracted from the URL. The "if_category" test compares the current category to the name "Cats", and displays the headline only if the category matches.

<w:if_url matches="regex">

Include following code only if the URL (not including the domain name) matches the specified regular expression.


Usage Example:

<w:if_url matches="^/$">
  This is the home page

Displays "This is the home page" on the home page only.

<w:if_url matches="about">
  This is an about page

Displays "This is an about page" on any page whose URL includes the string "about".


Include following code only if there are comments on the current item.

<w:if condition="name.blank?">

Displays the markup following this statement if the specified field has no contents.


Usage Example:

<w:if condition='name.blank?'>
  <p>No name specified</p>

Displays "No name specified" if the name field is blank.


Choose randomly from the supplied options (see example).


Usage Example:

  <w:option>First Choice</w:option>
  <w:option>Second Choice</w:option>
  <w:option>Third Choice</w:option>

Displays one of the three choices, at random.

  <w:kb:item:each type='article'>
    <w:option><w:name /></w:option>

Displays the name of a random article.


Include following code if current page is the first in a set of subpages.


Include the following code only if the current category has subcategories.


Usage Example:

    <p>The category <w:name /> has subcategories.</p>
    <p>The category <w:name /> has no subcategories.</p>

Display different text depending on whether the current category has any subcategories. Often useful to display local navigation.

<w:if condition='fieldname=="text" '>

Displays the markup following this statement only if the contents of the specified field equals the specified text.


Usage Example:

<w:if condition="name=='George'">
  <p>His name is George</p>

Displays "His name is George" if the name field of the current item is "George". Note the item context must be set first, and the use of double equal signs for the equality test.


Include the following code if the current contextual page is either the currently displayed page, or one of its parents.


Include the following code if the current page context (typically within an iteration loop) matches the current displayed page.

<w:kb:category:if_items type="item-type">

Includes following code only if there are one or more items of the specified type in the current category.


Usage Example:

<w:kb:category name='web design resources'>
  <w:kb:category:if_items type="blogs">
    <p>We have <w:count /> blogs in the <w:name /> category.</p>

Show the number of blogs in the web design resources category.


<w:if condition="fieldname == 1">

Test whether a custom item's checkbox field is checked


Usage Example:

<w:if condition="serves-lunch == 1">
  <p>This restaurant serves lunch</p>

Displays "This restaurant serves lunch" if the checkbox field of the current item that has the fieldname "serves-lunch" is checked.


Include the following code only if the current page has children.


Include following code only if current page is the last in a set of subpages.

<w:if_items category="category">

Include the following code only if there are items of the specified category and the current type. Must be used in an item type context.



Set the category context using a category ID extracted from the URL, when page type is "Category".


Usage Example:

  <h1><w:name /></h1>     <!-- category name -->
  <w:kb:item:each category="current"> 
     <h2><w:name /></h2>  <!-- item name -->

Set the category context according the the ID in the page's URL. Display the category name, and list all the items of any type that are in this category. Must be on a page whose page-type is set to Category.

<w:each relative="parents">

Iterate through each of the parent categories of the current category. Must be used in a context in which category has been set.


Usage Example:

      <w:each relative='parents'>
        <a href='<w:path />'><w:name /></a> > 
      [ more code that is displaying content from the current category ]

Displays breadcrumb links to each of the parent categories.

<w:if_category category="category-name">

Include the following code only if the category matches the one specified. Must be used inside a block so the category is set.


Usage Example:

<w:kb:category>     <!-- on a category page, this sets the category per the URL -->
  <w:if_category category="Cats">
    <h1>This is the Cats category</h1>

On a category page (page type must be set to "Category"), the category is extracted from the URL. The "if_category" test compares the current category to the name "Cats", and displays the headline only if the category matches.

<w:kb:category:each relative="item">

Iterate through each of the categories to which the current item is assigned.


Usage Example:

    <w:kb:category:each relative="item">
      <li><w:name /></li>

List all of the categories assigned to the current item. Must be used on an Item page.

    <w:kb:category:each relative="item" filter="Boats">
      <li><w:name /></li>

By adding a filter parameter to the iterator, you can limit the categories listed to those that are subcategories of a specified category (Boats in this example).


Include the following code only if the current category has subcategories.


Usage Example:

    <p>The category <w:name /> has subcategories.</p>
    <p>The category <w:name /> has no subcategories.</p>

Display different text depending on whether the current category has any subcategories. Often useful to display local navigation.

<w:description />

Displays the category description (must be used in a category context)

<w:name />

Displays the name of the current category (must be used in a category context)


Includes the following code only if the current category matches the page's category (for use only on category pages)


Usage Example:

<w:kb:category name='Blog'>
        <w:each relative='children'>
          <w:if_items category='current' type='posts'>
            <li <w:if_current>class='current-category'</w:if_current>><a href='<w:path url="/blog-category" />'><w:name /></a></li>

Applies the class "current-category" to the list item whose category matches the page's category. Note that this can only be used on pages of type "category". It is comparing the current category within the w:each loop to the category set via the URL.


<w:kb:item:icon rendition='thumb' />

Access the icon associated with the current item. Returns the path to the image file, optionally in the specified rendition.

<w:asset name="/filename.jpg" rendition="rendition_name" />

Provides the path to the image file specified, in the size specified by the rendition option if there are multiple renditions.


Usage Example:

<w:asset name="/house.jpg" rendition="medium" />

Displays the "medium" rendition of the image "house.jpg". Note that for this to work, the "Create Thumbnails" option must have been selected when the image was uploaded, and in the Config Setting image.thumbnail.settings there must be a rendition defined named "medium".

<w:assets:each tag="tagname">

Iterate through each of the asset files (typically images) that match the specified tag (if any).


Usage Example:

<w:assets:each tag="cat">
  <img src="<w:path />" >

Displays all of the assets to which the tag "cat" has been applied.

<w:assets:each tag="var[w:kb:item:tag]">

Iterate through all of the assets tagged with the same tag as the current item. The "var[w:kb:item:tag]" syntax is a workaround needed because WebvantaScript cannot be nested. (This statement only works predictably with items that have only one tag.)


Usage Example:

<w:assets:each tag="var[w:kb:item:tag]">
  <img src="<w:path />">

This must be used within a context in which an item has been selected (either on an item page or in an item:each block). It displays all the images with the same tag as the item.

<w:assets:each category="name">

Iterate through all of the assets that are assigned to the specified category. See examples for options.


Usage Example:

<w:assets:each category="Cats">
  <img src="<w:path />">

Displays all the images assigned to the "Cats" category.

<w:assets:each category="Cats" descend="true">
  <img src="<w:path />">

Displays all the images assigned to the "Cats" category, or to any sub-category of Cats.

Snippets & Config Settings

<w:snippet name="snippet_name" />

Provides the contents of the specified snippet.


Usage Example:

<w:snippet name="test" />
Snippet "test" contents:
<h1>This is only a test</h1>

Displays <h1>This is only a test</h1>

<w:snippet name="snippet_name">Variable</w:snippet>

With the two-part version of the snippet tag, you can pass any text as a variable to the snippet.


Usage Example:

<w:snippet name="headline">Text for headline</w:snippet>
and the snippet "headline":
<h1><w:yield /></h1>

Displays "<h1>Text for headline</h1>". The text between the opening and closing tags can be used in the snippet using "<w:yield />".

<w:yield />

Inserts content in a snippet from the code that invokes the snippet.


Usage Example:

Snippet invoked with:
<w:snippet name="headline">Headline Text</snippet>
Inside the snippet:
<h1><w:yield /></h1>

This example snippet returns <h1>Headline Text</h1>

<w:data name="setting_name" />

Provides the value of the specified configuration setting. Useful in CSS and JS files as well as in templates and editable regions.


Usage Example:

<w:data name="company_name" />

Provides the value of the config setting "company_name".

<w:data name="company_name" default="No Name Supplied" />

By including a default setting, you can specify a string that is returned if the setting is missing or empty. In this case, if there is no setting for company_name, the statement returns "No Name Supplied".


<w:comment_count />

Display the number of comments on the current item.


Usage Example:

<p><w:comment_count /> comments</p>

Display the number of comments on the current item. Use within an item context.

<w:kb:item:comments:each (options)>

Iterate through each of the comments on the current item. See examples for options and field names.


Usage Example:

  <h2><w:subject /></h2>
  <p>Posted <w:created_at /> by <w:name /></p>
  <p><w:body /></p>

Display all the comments for current item, with default options (sorted by date, most recent first).

<w:kb:item:comments:each order="ASC" limit="10">

Display the first 10 comments in ascending date order.

<w:kb:item:comments:each order="DESC" limit="5">

Display the most recent 5 comments in descending date order.


Include following code only if there are comments on the current item.


<w:account key="domain" />

Provides the domain name for the current account.


Escapes all special characters in the following code, so HTML will be displayed rather than interpreted.


Usage Example:

<w:escape_html><w:code_field /><w:escape_html>

If the field named code_field includes HTML or WebvantaScript markup, this will display the markup rather than executing it.


Choose randomly from the supplied options (see example).


Usage Example:

  <w:option>First Choice</w:option>
  <w:option>Second Choice</w:option>
  <w:option>Third Choice</w:option>

Displays one of the three choices, at random.

  <w:kb:item:each type='article'>
    <w:option><w:name /></w:option>

Displays the name of a random article.


Use to "comment out" WebvantaScript code. (note that commenting out with HTML comments does not work for WebvantaScript.


Usage Example:

  any WebvantaScript here will be ignored

<w:rfc1123_date />

Provides the date in RFC-1123 format, for use in RSS/Atom feeds.



No longer needed. Now is a "no-op".


No longer needed. Now is a "no-op".


Loads Prototype and Scriptaculous JavaScript libraries. Used in older Webvanta templates, but now replaced by jQuery.


<w:children:each >

Iterate through each of the child pages (subpages) of the current page.

<w:parent />

Access the page that is the parent of the current page.


Iterate through each of the siblings of the current page (other subpages of this page's parent).


Include following code if current page is the first in a set of subpages.


Include the following code if the current contextual page is either the currently displayed page, or one of its parents.


Include the following code only if the current page has children.


Include following code only if current page is the last in a set of subpages.