Photoshop to Live on the Web

  • Topic:  Photoshop to Live on the Web
  • Recorded:  January 1, 2011
  • Length:  1 hour
  • Cost:  Free
  • Presented by:  Andrew DesChenes, Manager of Tech Support and Consulting
  • Who should attend:  Visual and Graphic Designers, busy Web Designers, Photoshop users, savvy Site Owners and Marketers.

We don't have any scheduled dates for this webinar right now, but you can watch the recording any time.

Photoshop is a fantastic visual design tool, and many web designers start in Photoshop. But it won't deliver a working web site, and if your skills are centered around graphics, the technical demands of the web can be overwhelming.

This practical webinar covers best practices for setting up Photoshop (PSD) files so they can be quickly and accurately converted into code and deployed on the web.

We'll cover the web design vocabulary that you need to know to design effective sites, and include issues such as:

  • How wide should your site be?
  • Designing interactions so they can be easily implemented in JavaScript
  • Understanding how databases can help you deliver great sites
  • The benefits of content management systems, and how to choose one
  • The limitations of web typography, and how to overcome them

We'll also introduce Webvanta's PSD-to-Site service, which makes it easy and inexpensive to turn your Photoshop designs into leading-edge web sites.