Webvanta updates

Blog > Webvanta updates

Behind the Curtain: Growing the Webvanta Platform

For those of you interested in the programmer perspective of Webvanta, I’ll be contributing entries on our blog that discuss the technology and engineering side of the Company. The technical path of Webvanta has been an interesting journey over the last year. Our original Ruby on Rails technology was written to support a single web site. During 2008, we morphed the application through “extreme rearchitecture and refactoring” to what we have today at Webvanta: a multi-tenant, database centric, dynamic CMS system suitable for a broad array of web sites created by Web Designers or others who want to skip heavy duty back-end programming.


New Asset Manager, Menu System, and Control Panel Debut

Last night we deployed several new features that are the beginning of what we’re thinking of as our Beta 2 release, which will be rolled out in its entirety by the end of January. Highlights include zip upload, automatic image resampling to create multiple sizes, and a new menu system.


Webvanta's Design Partner Program Expanding

Since launching our Design Partner Program in the spring, we've been steadily bringing new partners on board and adding customization options.


Analytics Now Built In to Webvanta Web CMS

Webvanta now includes built-in analytics for all paid sites. Within a day of when your site goes public, you'll see a new tab show up in your control panel, labeled, curiously enough, Analytics. And that's what you'll find there. No setup required.