Book Listing

Author: Webvanta

Displays a book listing, with an image pulled from Amazon and a "Buy" button that links to Amazon. Used on both the list and item pages in the standard Knowledgebase system.

  <div class='book_listing clearfix'>
    <img src="<w:get name='book:image_url_medium' />" class="book_cover" alt='' />
    <h3><w:name /></h3>
    <h4><w:get name="book:subtitle"  /></h4> 
    <p>By <w:author /></p>
      <a href="<w:get  name='book:isbn10' />/<w:data name='aws_assoc_id' />" class='book_button external'>
        Buy From Amazon
      List price: <w:get name="book:list_price" />  
      Amazon price: <w:get name="book:our_price"  />
    <p><w:body /></p>