Feed Template

Author: Webvanta

This is a standard RSS (actually Atom) feed that is part of the snippet library. If you create a new XML feed, this is what the initial content is.

You can modify the w:each statement to change how many items are in the feed, or to limit the feed to items of a certain type of in a certain category, or to exclude items of a certain type or category.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
    <title><w:data name="company_name"  /></title>
    <link>http://<w:account key="domain" /></link>
    <language><w:data name="RSS_feed_language"  default="en-us" /></language>
    <ttl><w:data name="RSS_feed_ttl" default="40" /></ttl>
    <description><w:meta:description  tag='false'/></description>
    <w:kb:item:each by='published_at  DESC' limit='25'>    
          <title><w:escape_html><w:name /></w:escape_html></title>
          <description><w:escape_html><w:body /></w:escape_html></description>
          <pubDate><w:rfc1123_date  /></pubDate>
           <guid>http://<w:account key="domain" /><w:path url="default" /></guid>
          <link>http://<w:account key="domain" /><w:path url="default" /></link>