List Page

Author: Webvanta

The list page for our standard Knowledgebase setup. It includes a header showing the selected category and item type (which are taken from the URL), followed by a list of all the items, each using the appropriate snippet to create the listing.

<div id='list' class='kb'>
  <w:snippet name='addthis' />
  <p class='crumbs'>
         <a href='<w:path  />'><w:name /></a>:
    <w:kb:resourcetype:name  />
  <w:kb:item:each category='current' type='current' by='date'>
    <w:if_item type='Books' >
      <w:snippet name='kb_book_listing_short'  />
    </w:if_item >
    <w:if_item type='Events' >
      <w:snippet name='kb_event_listing_short' />
    </w:if_item  >
    <w:if_item type='Articles' >
      <w:snippet name='article_listing_short' />
    <w:if_item type="-Books, -Events, -Articles, -Posts">
      <w:snippet name='kb_default_listing_short' />