Flash Video Player

Author: Webvanta

This is the code to create a flash video player. It is located in the flash_video_player snippet. You send in the name of the FLV file as a parameter to the snippet.
  name of FLV file passed in as snippet parameter: 
  <w:snippet name="flash_video_player">video_name_and_path_goes_here</w:snippet>  
<a href="<w:yield />.flv" id="player"></a>
<!--  size of player window set in main CSS  -->
<!-- invoke the flowplayer script, pointing to  the element above via the "player" ID -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  flowplayer("player", "/webvanta/swf/flowplayer/3.1.5/flowplayer-3.1.5.swf");